Monday, October 27, 2008

We Make Zines

The Zine Machine is now on We Make Zines, an online networking community for zine makers. Do you make zines too? Sign up and be our friend.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Zine World #26

Zine World #26 is out, go get your own copy here.

"Zine World #26 is 62 pages, full-size, and contains:
>>about 300 reviews of zines, mini-comics, books, and indie magazines.
>>our completely updated list of zine libraries & infoshops in the United States and worldwide. (These updates haven’t been posted to the website yet but will be soon.)
>>an article on newspaper censorship.
>>columns about writing by Evan Fleischer and on politics by Grant Schreiber.
>>word of mouth on zine distros & stores, zine review zines & websites, upcoming events, zine resources, and address changes, plus classified listings for zines, indie groups, stuff for sale, and calls for submissions.
>>art by Sue Clancy, Jim Sumii, Kris, Pat M. and a cover by P.5!"

Apparently we're mentioned in this issue - thanks Chantel G. for letting us know!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Welcome to the archives

The Special Collections Department at the University of Iowa Libraries has taken a special interest in the Zine Machine and would like to create a permanent archive of zines that have been sold through the machine. Anyone sending us zines, please consider sending an extra copy for the archives. If you're a past contributor and would like a copy in this collection, please send us a copy with a note saying it's for the archives. You can send it to:

Zine Machine
PO Box 10022
Iowa City, IA 52240

A note from the library:

The University of Iowa Libraries are making a concerted effort to begin collecting zines. UI believes that zines have great value as cultural relics that give creative voice to people standing outside and beyond the societal mainstream, and provide wonderful examples of people’s artistic and literary abilities.

By collecting and preserving zines from all over the country, the Libraries hope to build a major collection of often-overlooked, often-ephemeral social documents that can be read and enjoyed by generations of researchers. Zines received by UI will be archived by Special Collections and University Archives and made accessible to all interested readers.

For more information, you can contact

Jeremy Brett

Special Collections Project Archivist
University Libraries
University of Iowa
100 Main Library
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420

2 zines currently in the machine:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Generic Zine Exchange

My friend Amanda tells me that she and a fellow zinester in Buffalo, NY are organizing a zine exchange. It's open to anyone, with an open theme - it's even called the Generic Zine Exchange. The edition size is 25, and the deadline is November 15. Get more details at their website.

2008 Madison Zine Fest

The 2008 Madison Zine Fest is coming up soon - this Saturday, to be exact! This year, it'll be held at the Majestic Theater in Madison, Wisconsin, this Saturday Oct. 18, from 12-6pm. Unfortunately, the Zine Machine won't be able to go this year, but we had a lot of fun at the last one, held in 2006, and will plan ahead for next year.